
My name is Madison Amos and I am a 2014 alumna. Each of my teachers invested their hearts not only into my education, but my relationship with Christ. I have since then graduated college and run a cinematography business. Coosa is a school that is personal, spiritually driven, and blessed by God.
- Alumni Spotlight - Madison Amos

Graison Neal earned the most AR points, in the elementary school, for the 1st 9 Weeks. He enjoys reading because books allow him to be apart of different adventures. He enjoys reading mysteries and graphic novels. “Reading is awesome!”- Graison Neal
- Student Spotlight - Graison Neal

I am Tina Tow, and I teach English at Coosa Christian School. Teaching is my second and yet favorite career. At Coosa, we are teaching more than our academic subjects; we are also teaching Gadsden’s youngest citizens to love and honor God, America, and their fellow man.
- Teacher Spotlight - Tina Tow - High School English